Global Transport and Logistics
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Job Req Number:  86439
Time Type: Full Time

Suntem in cautarea unui Key User dedicat si motivat sa se alature echipei noastre de Business Change Management. Acest rol implica monitorizarea proceselor logistice in vederea oferiri de suport pentru aplicatia WMS.



  • Implementeaza sistemul sau a noilor functionalitati WMS pentru noi clienti;

  • Monitorizeaza implementarea, analizeaza problemele logistice si ofera feedback;

  • Testeaza noile configurari WMS si ofera training colegilor direct implicati in proces;

  • Ofera sprijin Departamentului Operational in vederea utilizarii corecte a programului WMS; 

  • Intocmeste, actualizeaza si revizuieste procedurile de lucru WMS;

  • Analizeaza procesele logistice in raport cu aplicatia WMS si instrumentele IT utilizate;

  • Monitorizeaza incidentele si ofera suport on-site sau remote;

  • Gestioneaza problemele WMS si coopereaza permanent cu Logistics Engineers;

  • Gestioneaza si instaleaza echipamentele IT WMS (scanners si imprimante).


Profilul candidatului:

  • Experienta anterioara in logistica, productie sau depozitare;

  • Cunostinte generale despre configurarea si intretinerea unei aplicatii de tip WMS;

  • Capacitate de analiza si rezolvare a problemelor;

  • Abilitati de planificare si organizare a taskurilor de proiect;

  • Bune abilitati de comunicare profesionala in limba romana si engleza.


Ce oferim: 


  • Un mediu de lucru profesional si orientat spre echipa;

  • Salariu atractiv si pachet de beneficii;

  • Decont de combustibul;

  • Traininguri si oportunitati de dezvoltare profesionala;

  • Servicii medicale private.

DSV – Global Transport and Logistics

DSV is a dynamic workplace that fosters inclusivity and diversity. We conduct our business with integrity, respecting different cultures and the dignity and rights of individuals. When you join DSV, you are working for one of the very best performing companies in the transport and logistics industry. You’ll join a talented team of approximately 75,000 employees in over 80 countries, working passionately to deliver great customer experiences and high-quality services. DSV aspires to lead the way towards a more sustainable future for our industry and are committed to trading on nature’s terms.

We promote collaboration and transparency and strive to attract, motivate and retain talented people in a culture of respect. If you are driven, talented and wish to be part of a progressive and versatile organisation, we’ll support you and your need to achieve your potential and forward your career.

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