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Where does DSV originate?


In 1976, DSV, De Sammensluttede Vognmænd af 13-7 1976 A/S ("The Consolidated Hauliers"), was founded by nine independent trucking companies and business developer Leif Tullberg. Since then, the company has been subject to a few name changes:

Name change to DFDS Transport

In 2000, DFDS Dan Transport Group A/S was acquired, and the activities within transport and logistics continued under the name of DFDS Transport. The name of the parent company, however, remained DSV, De Sammensluttede Vognmænd af 13-7 1976 A/S. In 2001, the activities were divided into three separate divisions with individual business areas; Road, Air & Sea and Solutions.

DSV, a joint name

In 2003, the parent company shortened its name to DSV A/S, and in 2007, the activities went through a name change from DFDS Transport to DSV. This step was taken in order to mark a new and joint beginning after the acquisition of Frans Maas in 2006. Furthermore, it minimises confusion and creates a more logical association between the name of the parent company and its activities.

DSV Panalpina A/S

Following the acquisition of Panalpina Welttransport AG on 19 August 2019, the shareholders voted to change the Group name to DSV Panalpina A/S at an extraordinary general meeting, held on 24 September 2019.

DSV reinstated as Group name 

At an extraordinary general meeting on 8 September 2021, DSV’s shareholders approved a proposal by the Board of Directors to return to the previous name of the parent entity: DSV A/S. The name change was proposed in order to secure brand consistency across all markets and operations, as the organisation faced a significant change following the acquisition of Agility’s Global Integrated Logistics business (GIL).  

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Morgane Matthys