DSV MCF again highest rated fulfillment specialist in Emerce100
In this sector it is not only about low costs, but also about quality

DSV Multi-Channel Fulfillment has been named best logistics service provider in e-business for the fifth consecutive year. In particular, the price / quality ratio and the flexibility of the team from Moerdijk are praised. Erik Biemans of DSV MCF explains the success:
In this sector it's not just about low costs, but also about quality. Because of this focus on quality, customers often end up cheaper.
Every year Emerce, together with research agency Motivaction, examines the performance of service providers in e-business. Again, hundreds of companies have been judged by decision makers from the field, the results of which appear in the Emerce100, a special issue of the trade journal. In the Fulfillment Warehousing category, DSV MCF is again at the top, just as in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
The entire DSV MCF team in Moerdijk is happy with the recognition. "Mainly because of the way in which the ranking is established", says Erik Biemans, customer relations and call center manager at DSC MCF. “This is an independent survey among the users of the services offered by the aforementioned companies. The ranking reflects how the people in the market judge our performance. "
Basis for the shortlist
The top ranking is more than just an honorable mention. Many companies that are looking for a service provider for their e-business activities consult this list. They compile their shortlist from the companies at the top. "Dr. Oetker was the first customer to come to us five years ago after seeing our name in the Emerce100. Many more companies now know how to find us via this route, "says Biemans.
Top athletes often state that it is difficult to get to the top, but much more difficult to stay at the top. How is that in fulfillment? "Not different", Biemans laughs. “Emerce100 particularly mentions price / quality ratio and flexibility as our strengths. That we are flexible is demonstrated by the way in which we organize shipping. Most fulfillment companies rely on one or two large package carriers. We think along with our customers and their customers. What is the best last-mile solution for them? That means that we often offer a combination of different shipping solutions. But we also excel in creating links between systems. That goes beyond API or EDI. Does an application have an export option? Then a link can be realized. "
Good value for money
Another strong point is the broad range of services. Companies can go to DSV MCF for warehousing and product fulfillment, but also for customer service, financial fulfillment and IT solutions. It is precisely because of this broad range of services that Biemans, together with all its colleagues, is able to offer such a good price / quality ratio. “This business is not just about low costs, but also about quality. Because we offer a complete, integrated service, we can guarantee high quality throughout the entire order chain. Maybe competitors offer a lower rate for fulfillment only, but in the end customers are often cheaper with us. ”
What does DSV MCF do to stay on top next year? "Optimal benefit from the synergy within DSV," says Biemans. “In the previous years we were still under the name S&H in the Emerce100. Thanks to the acquisition by DSV, we now have access to an almost unlimited number of square meters of warehouse space. We can benefit from DSV's import and export expertise and from the European network. Our purchasing power has become much greater. In short: under the wings of DSV we can only get bigger and better. "