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TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) is a forum for security professionals and business partners of production and transport companies and consists of several certification possibilities

TAPA certifications show that goods within the supply chain are protected against theft. TAPA also offers security guidelines to standardize the security level. Based on the TAPA certification, a company can show that the business processes, for securing good, are in order.

Safety first

DSV works according to the TAPA TSR level 1, 2 and 3 and TAPA FSR 2020 level A and C guidelines. Within these guidelines, safety regulations regarding transport (TSR) and (storage) location (FSR) matters are stated. The guidelines include the security of the DSV locations and fleet, but also include training for personnel and agreements with customers to minimize the risks of theft and loss of goods. Use this link so see our TAPA TSR level 1, 2 and 3 certificates for DSV Road and the TAPA FSR certificate for DSV Air & Sea Eindhoven and Rozenburg.

You can go to the website of TAPA to get more information regarding these guidelines.

Any questions?

Our teams are ready for you. Contact us.

Morgane Matthys