DSV - Global Transport and Logistics
DSV is a global transport and logistics service provider. With offices and facilities in more than 80 countries on six continents, we provide and run supply chain solutions for thousands of companies on a daily basis. Our reach is global, yet our presence is local and close to our customers.
DSV China at a glance

About DSV China

DSV Shanghai was established in 2001 and obtained a 100% Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) business license for all China branches in 2005.
Our footprint is strategically covering main air hubs and ports across North, Central and South China, with over 3,000 staff in 20 locations in China at your service.
With a leading position in the world's fastest growing market and production center, DSV China is dedicated to providing top-notch supply chain solutions that will meet your needs.
DSV in Mainland China for more than 20 years

As part of DSV Air & Sea’s strategic development in Asia-Pacific and China, DSV Air & Sea Co., Ltd. (China, the Company) has been regarded as a Regional Headquarters in the Asia-Pacific region from 8th March 2021, which is involved in handling relevant functions thereafter.
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DSV provides and manages supply chain solutions for thousands of companies every day.
Vision and strategy
We want to be a leading global supplier, fulfilling customer needs for transport and logistics services, targeting extensive growth and being among the most profitable in our industry.

Meet DSV management and our Board of Directors

The DSV history
In 1976, in the small town of Skuldelev in Denmark, ten owner-operated hauliers joined forces and founded DSV.

Get to know more about DSV

DSV in numbers
Offices and logistics facilities
Countries worldwide
Any questions?
Our experts are ready to help. Get in touch and we'll find the solution you need.