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DSV Canada & Drone Delivery Canada Announce Successful Implementation of Second Cargo Drone Route

In partnership with Drone Delivery Canada (DDC), Air Canada Cargo, and client RB - we are pleased to announce that DSV Canada has successfully launched its second cargo drone route.

Drone launch

The future of next level logistics for safe and secure supply chains is here. Make your next move with DSV.

In partnership with Drone Delivery Canada (DDC) and Air Canada Cargo, we are pleased to announce that DSV Canada has successfully launched its second cargo drone route. 

Using DDC’s drone delivery platform, this commercial roll-out enables DSV to deliver various types of cargo, including healthcare related cargo, from a DroneSpotTM at DSV's warehouse in Milton, Ontario to a DropSpot at RB (Reckitt Benckiser) in Milton, approximately 4km away.  RB is a global producer of health, hygiene and home products.

“We are pleased to announce that the initial implementation of our first contactless, commercial cargo-drop project has been completed successfully. We are excited to bring the benefits of our drone delivery solution to yet another company, RB.  The route includes transport over Highway 401, one of the busiest highways in the world, adding a unique dimension to this project.  I don’t know that any other commercial delivery drone operator has done this before. DDC’s solution is one of the most advanced in the world,” said Michael Zahra, President & CEO of DDC.

We are looking forward with our clients based on their unique needs and requirements. Many of our key clients are excited and ready to be part of these innovative next steps. We know that this opportunity brings new possibilities to logistics and we are embracing the future of it now," said Martin Roos, Managing Director – DSV Air & Sea, Canada.



To see the YouTube video from the project, please visit:

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