Strike the right balance between working capital, operating costs and optimal service level
DSV offers key customers a periodical assessment and benchmark of inventory and order management KPIs,
with three objectives:
with three objectives:
1. Increase stock rotation
Planning that is based on incorrect data can lead to inventory levels being unnecessarily high. By optimizing your inventory data, a DSV inventory scan gives an increase in stock rotation by 30% on average, with a corresponding reduction in working capital.2. Improve inbound cost efficiency
The DSV principle of order management by exception instead of firefighting, combined with our inventory scenario analysis, cuts your inbound rush orders by half. That represents a 50% reduction in express transport costs and will enable your team to focus on the overall order management process rather than on individual cases.3. Optimize stock availability
Nothing is as bad as losing a customer due to poor service, such as through late or incomplete orders. DSV’s approach to inventory management includes capturing the desired service levels into the re-order and stock levels per stock keeping unit (SKU). The inventory scan typically results in a 25% reduction of ‘Out of Stock’ incidents.Besides DSV’s WMS data, additional, more in-depth inventory data is required to analyze your stock and order management efficiency. This includes SKU data on:
- Lead time
- Economical order quantity
- Service level
- Open purchase orders
- Supplier number
- Open sales orders
- Minimal order quantity
- Unit price
- Incremental order quantity

DSV Inventory Scan
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