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DSV XPress Emergency Situation Surcharge

Due to continued disruptions in the global supply chain and changes in market dynamics, express parcel operators air cargo capacity remains limited. Our partners are incurring incremental costs as they continue to adjust their international networks and operate increased capacity to best deliver much-needed goods and services in this constrained environment. Therefore the Emergency Situation Surcharges still remain in place until further notice, are subject to change at any time and are based on the following overview.
Billing method Segment Tradelanes Currency DSV XPress DSV XPress Economy
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Import ex Europe CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Import ex CN/HK CHF 1.54 1.54
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Import ex remaining Asia CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Import  ex MX CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Import ex Americas  CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Import  ex rest of world CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Export  to Europe CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Export  to Americas CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Export  to AU/NZ CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Export  to CN/HK  CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) Export  to rest of world CHF - -
per kilogram (subject to freight charges) X-trades  International CHF 1.50 1.50
Valid for customers in Switzerland. 
Plus currently applicable fuel surcharge
Status: 01.07.2024
This website is updated on an ongoing basis.

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