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Shipment tracking at your fingertips

DSVconnect is our track & trace tool specially designed for WeChat users under the Big Data Era. You can access DSVconnect through mobile phone, at anytime from anywhere, to stay up-to-date with the latest information of your shipments.

With simple user interface design, you can access DSVconnect without any registration or installation. DSVconnect has enhanced shipment transparency by monitoring real-time status of your shipment and share with your team in just one-click, to get efficient collaboration.

DSV Anywhere

Multiple functions of DSVconnect

DSV Functions of DSVconnect

2 steps for tracking your shipment

After scanning the QR code on WeChat, you will be redirected to DSVconnect WeChat Mini Program. Enter your shipment ID or House ID in the search filed, and obtain real-time status of your shipment globally with online 24/7 accessibility via mobile and share with your team in just one-click.
DSV Track on WeChat

Here’s a tutorial on how to use DSVconnect:

Your Benefits

DSV Wechat QR Code

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