Global Transport and Logistics
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Get insights on trends driving the global transport and logistics industry

A free report from DSV

How do trade barriers affect logistics? How is artificial intelligence going to help the transport and logistics industry? And what can robots do in warehouses?
And incidentally, how many elephants can the world’s largest aircraft carry?
Find the answers in DSV’s first Forward Logistics report - a valuable collection of insights for anyone interested in logistics written by some of DSV's most qualified, experienced and knowledgeable experts.
Read their thoughts on 3D printing – 4PL – artificial intelligence – blockchain – customs – cyber security – digital freight brokers – electrification –multichannel fulfilment – predictive analytics – real-time reporting – robotics – start-ups – supply chains – sustainability – inventory – trade.


Get your free Forward Logistics 2019 report


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Morgane Matthys