Global Transport and Logistics
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Our dedicated teams know it takes passion, dedication, commitment, and proactivity to perform in the automotive logistics. We know that arriving Just in Time requires the extraordinary.

In our daily operations we go the extra mile to offer a fast, reliable, integrated, accurate and standard information flow for the automotive logistics with self-sufficiency, reliability, responsiveness, supplier problem notification, availability, flexibility and always ON TIME.

You asked, we delivered Just in Time

Automotive Logistics SCM

DSV and sustainability

We comply with international quality, safety, health and environmental standards

As a leading automotive logistics provider, our automotive supply chain facilities and services comply with total quality management systems, including ISO 90001 certification.

Our health, safety and environmental procedures comply with all local regulations and our facilities are certified in accordance with third party audited management systems.

Learn more about our local sustainability initiatives

Any questions?

Our dedicated team is ready to help. Get in touch and we'll find the solution you need

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