Potential Government Release of Confidential Importer Information
Deadline to act on Potential Release of Confidential Importer Information is June 11, 2021

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has received Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information related to the import and export of wildlife specimens and flora into and out of the United States contained in the Law Enforcement Management Information System (LEMIS) database
for information submitted between 1-1-15 to 12-31-20. Submitters of this information can contact the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to review records subject to release and file to withhold the information.
If the IOR wishes to object to the release of any of this information, They have to provide a detailed written statement that specifies all grounds for withholding the information under any FOIA exemption 4. Further, if they wish to object to disclosure on the basis that the information is
protected by Exemption 4 of the FOIA, the detailed written statement referenced above must explain why the information is a trade secret or, if the information is not a trade secret, they must provide certification that the business both customarily and actually treats the information as private. A certification should include the position of the certifier, that their certification is based on personal knowledge, the certification is true and correct, and a dated signature. This statement must also include any available background on whether the information was provided to the government under an assurance that the government would keep it private. DEADLINE is JUNE 11TH 2021
If you or your clients have any questions please reach out to us Customs.Services@us.dsv.com
for information submitted between 1-1-15 to 12-31-20. Submitters of this information can contact the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to review records subject to release and file to withhold the information.
If the IOR wishes to object to the release of any of this information, They have to provide a detailed written statement that specifies all grounds for withholding the information under any FOIA exemption 4. Further, if they wish to object to disclosure on the basis that the information is
protected by Exemption 4 of the FOIA, the detailed written statement referenced above must explain why the information is a trade secret or, if the information is not a trade secret, they must provide certification that the business both customarily and actually treats the information as private. A certification should include the position of the certifier, that their certification is based on personal knowledge, the certification is true and correct, and a dated signature. This statement must also include any available background on whether the information was provided to the government under an assurance that the government would keep it private. DEADLINE is JUNE 11TH 2021
If you or your clients have any questions please reach out to us Customs.Services@us.dsv.com