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UPDATE: Railway Companies Reach Tentative Agreement

Amid potential threats of a strike, railway companies and union workers pull through with a tentative agreement.

Worker helmet

Effective Thursday, September 15, railroad companies and union workers have reached a tentative agreement amid potential threats of a formal strike.

Rail Workers

According to ABC News, “the two largest rail unions -- the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Trainmen, or BLET, and the SMART Transportation Division, or SMART-TD, which make up roughly half of all rail workers -- had held out in negotiations as nine other unions reached agreements with the companies by Wednesday.”

Railway Impact

With railroads being responsible for transporting roughly 40% of the nation's long-distance freight, a shutdown could have jeopardized many crucial shipments in agriculture, manufacturing, retail, and warehousing industries.

This last-minute deal likely avoids massive disruptions to the flow of key goods and commodities around the country.

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