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Customs to Enhancement edits for Uyghur Region

Containers and airplane

On March 18, 2023, US Customs is planning to deploy a new edit that will alert importers and their brokers that goods being entered may be produced or manufactured in the Xinjiang region of the People’s Republic of China.

The Region alert will validate against Postal code which will be a required field.

  • Users would receive an error message if the postal code provided is not a valid Chinese postal code.
  • Users will receive a warning message when a XUAR region postal code is provided.

The applications impacted are:

Cargo Release:
Manufacturer party and only when the country is reported as The People’s Republic of China.

Manufacturer Identification Code:
When creating or updating a Manufacturer Identification Code with a city located in The People’s Republic of China.

Importers that receive the alert are advised they may request and exception to the rebuttable presumption under the UFPLA as directed in the operational Guidance issued June 13, 2022.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to your local DSV representative.

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