Global Transport and Logistics



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Pay Gap (April 2023)

Demography (Full paid employees in April)


 Total number of men


 Total number of women




 Mean pay for men


 Mean pay for women


 Mean gap %


 Median pay for men


 Median pay for women 


 Median gap % 


Proportion of men and women in each quartile  







 Upper quartile 






 Upper middle quartile






 Lower middle quartile






 Lower quartile






Bonus Gap

 Total number of men receiving bonuses 


 Total number or women receiving bonuses




 Total value of male bonuses


 Total value of female bonuses


 Mean male bonuses


 Mean female bonuses


 Mean bonus gap


Proportion of men and women receiving bonuses





 Median male bonus payment


 Median female bonus payment 


 Median bonus gap



Click here to download the full report

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