What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a format designed for sharing web content such as headlines. An RSS feed highlights fresh material for you, so you don't have to repeatedly check a site yourself for updates.
How do I use RSS?
To make use of RSS, you'll need an RSS reader, or aggregator. An RSS aggregator can be a stand-alone application, or a plug-in for another program you already use, such as Microsoft Outlook. Some web browsers, such as Firefox and Safari, have RSS readers built in. Other browsers, such as Chrome, you will need to add a browser extension to read RSS feeds.
To view a feed in your RSS reader:
- Click on the RSS feed that corresponds to the topic that interests you.
- Copy the URL.
- Paste the URL into your reader.
Note that some browsers do not support RSS feeds directly, so clicking on the links below may not work. See the information above about using an RSS reader if this affects you.
RSS Feeds

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