Please complete the fields below in order to empower DSV to act as your Indirect Representative when making customs declarations.
Submission of this form shall convey authority for DSV+ to act as “Customs agent”* to make Customs declarations in DSV’s own name as Indirect Representative* on the Principal’s+ behalf.
(* in each case as defined in Section 21 of the Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018 (the “Act”).)(+ In each case, as defined below).
Please complete all fields below. DSV will send you a copy via email for your records once complete.
Your details:
By submitting this form, the principal entered at the Legal Name of Business field below (the “Principal”) hereby appoints DSV Air & Sea Limited (EORI No.) GB759894254059, Companies House Registration Number: 03114077 (“DSV”) to act on its behalf in the capacity of indirect Customs agent in accordance with Section 21 of the Act.
This authority applies to all consignments imported to / exported from the UK on the Principal’s instruction to DSV.
This Appointment applies with effect from 4 years of the date of submission unless cancelled in writing by either party. Notice of cancellation issued by the Principal must be sent by email to
Any changes to EORI or Company name by the Principal must be promptly communicated to DSV.
Delegation clause:
The Principal also authorises DSV to sub-contract or otherwise delegate customs clearance to a sub-agent (or sub-agents), and, insofar as necessary, confirms its authority for such sub-agent(s) to act as Indirect Representative* of the Principal in respect of all consignments imported to, or exported from, the UK by the Principal.The Principal authorises DSV to declare goods to HMRC using the following details:
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