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Male IT professional

David Costine

IT Development, South Africa

David is passionate about IT.  "It's something I've been doing since I left school.  I started out as a developer but have since moved into more of a managerial and resource-management role".  In his spare time he works with Round Table, a community-based organisation as well as the scouting movement.

What your day to day looks like and how you believe you're contributing to the overall success of DSV?

My day looks the same and, often, the day I'm expecting when I come into the office is not the day I have.  Most of my days involve giving and receiving reports, although I often find myself investigating issues on the system.  Much of my responsibility is to track when changes are going live and then monitoring how those changes progress.

Overall, I assist in tracking projects and course-correcting should they not be on the right timeline.

Benefits of working for a global company - What makes DSV a great place to work for

One of the benefits of DSV being a global company is that you work with people of different cultures and backgrounds from all over the world.  Another plus of working for a large multi-national is that you have opportunities for internal transfers, be it within your own division, country or internationally. 

What I love about working for DSV

What I enjoy most about working at DSV are the people I meet.  Every time I go into a meeting, I know I'll be able to learn something new.

Opportunities for individuals in my skill area/department

One of the major opportunities is having the ability to always learn something new.  DSV offers so many courses to their employees and being able to move around within your business means you're able to enhance your skills and knowledge.

Why I think people should join DSV

DSV IT is a job of daily challenges and tight deadlines.  If you're looking for a mundane job, then this one isn't for you.

What I enjoy about being part of the IT department

I love the people in our department, especially since the amalgamation of DSV's IT departments.  It's great to see the different roles that each business unit has to offer. 

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