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DSV cutting emissions on SA's roads

DSV South Africa is introducing Euro 5 heavy duty commercial vehicles as part of its sustainability journey in the country

The Euro 5 standard vehicles will cut diesel consumption by around 3% compared to Euro 3 standard vehicles.  The phased vehicle replacement initiative is part of DSV's global programme to achieve net-zero on Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2050.

DSV's path to being net-zero by 2050 involves:

  • Decarbonising air, sea and road by exploring alternative fuels and new technologies across our freight operations;
  • Decarbonising customers' supply chains by implementing alternative fuels and technologies that support reducing customer footprints across the supply chain through Green Logistics solutions;
  • Environmental management through minimizing our direct impact using our resources responsibly

Most vehicles in SA adhere to Euro 2 emissions standards.

Andre Hough, Managing Director, Operations, Road Transport, said manufacturers in Europe abide by Euro 5 rules to transact products in the EU region.  Euro 5 sets stricter limits on pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (C), and hydrocarbons (HC) and the goal is to reduce harmful emissions and improve air quality.

Although SA is some way behind Europe in cutting emissions, Hough said DSV SA was committed to aligning with global commitments in the coming years.

Hough said new assets will be Euro 5 standard wherever possible but pointed out that there is a premium attached to these vehicles.  DSV is anticipating having its full heavy commercial vehicle fleet converted to Euro 5 emission standards within the next five years.

Euro 5 engines use modern turbocharging, fuel injection and exhaust after treatment systems which improve fuel economy, enhance drivability and decrease Nitrous oxide and particulate (black smoke) exhaust pipe emissions.

Click the link below to learn more about DSV's decarbonisation journey

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