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Frequently Asked Questions about Coronavirus

We aim to provide answers to some of the most urgent and common questions. Please note that information provided here is subject to change.   

For further information please contact your usual contact person at DSV.

What is DSV’s overall approach to the COVID-19 situation?

We are doing everything we can to keep supply chains flowing. Overall, we follow the guidance provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and national government authorities such as Department of Transport, Department of Health and Department of Labour.

How can DSV support my business?

Please contact your regular local DSV account manager or contact person to discuss your specific needs. We will do everything we can to handle special requests where possible.

Does DSV accept visitors/guests at its offices and facilities?

During lockdown DSV encourages virtual/online meetings and during lockdown face-to-face meetings are not encouraged unless business critical and approved by Management. Masks need to be worn and social distancing practised.

How is DSV handling new regulations and restrictions from authorities?

DSV has aligned with all regulations including the necessary permits and certifications which is enabling essential goods and services to flow. 

Does DSV have a business continuity programme?

Yes, we do. DSV’s business continuity programme is part of our crisis management set-up. Our African Crisis Committee directs all key activities during this critical period to ensure that the DSV organisation is aligned and aware of the steps to be taken in order to continue to serve our customers. 

What happens in countries which introduce lock-down measures?

DSV will continue operations while taking the necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of our employees and business partners.

In some countries, some or most office staff are working from home and those staff in the office are following the rules about maintaining social distance. Terminals and warehouses are operational and we obey guidelines and restrictions in any given country/region. 

At DSV we will do our utmost to maintain operations as close to normal as possible. 

Which DSV operations are affected by the COVID-19 situation?

In general, we are operational. Some but not all operations are affected and not to the same extent. The situation is developing day by day, and we strongly encourage customers to reach out to their usual contact person at DSV. 

Any questions?

Our experts are ready to help. Get in touch and we'll find the solution you need.

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