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International recognition for DSV Healthcare's transport security standards

TAPA TSR certification sets us apart in the market

DSV Healthcare’s commitment to fighting cargo crime has been recognised with a “level 1” TAPA TSR certification – and we are proud to be one of a few transport providers in the country to have achieved this standard of TAPA certification.

This means clients and customers know we conform to the highest level of international security standards when we transport assets throughout the supply chain – and our methods to maintain those standards also conform to the highest international standards.

TAPA – the Transported Asset Protection Association – is the internationally recognised leader in the fight against cargo crime. TSR – the Trucking Security Requirements – is the official TAPA standard for secure trucking services.

TAPA’s worldwide benchmark for security freight handling guidelines and practices unites global manufacturers, logistics providers, freight carriers, law enforcement agencies and other stakeholders around the common aim of reducing global supply chain losses.

TAPA’s primary focus is preventing theft by using real-time intelligence and the latest preventative measures.
DSV had to comply with 80 elements across two main sections: the “Policies and Procedures” section, and the “Physical” section.
“Policies and Procedures” includes management support and responsibilities protocols, training, tracking and tracing protocols, on-route protocols, and workforce integrity: screening, vetting and background checks. The “Physical” section includes physical security, tracking technology, security procedures, driver security training, freight handover process and LSP self-assessment.

As with other global standards, including ISO, accreditation is awarded through an authorised auditing and certification body after approval from TAPA EMEA’s regional office situated in Germany. The DSV Healthcare certification came through the TUV Rheinland Group.

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