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DSV supports Ford's COVID-19 initiative

One of many DSV initiatives to battle spread of coronavirus

DSV is waiving transport costs to help Ford Motor Company of SA deliver protective face shields to hospitals, clinics and other locations countrywide.

Ford is producing 57 000 protective face shields to donate to front-line medical and essential services personnel as the deadly coronavirus continues to spread globally. The first 300 face shields have been delivered to Dora Nginza Hospital in Port Elizabeth, and pictured at the delivery were: Bright Yoyo – Assistant Director Nursing, Dora Nginza Hospital, Talana Wolke – Branch Manager Port Elizabeth, DSV, Mbuyiselo Tsibolane – CEO, Dora Nginza Hospital, Thandi Orleyn – Quality Assurance and Infection Prevention and Control Manager, Dora Nginza Hospital, and Shawn Govender – Plant Manager, Ford Struandale Engine Plant. DSV is one of many of Ford’s suppliers and business partners who are supporting the initiative. 

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