Based on a single integrated platform, our specialised purchase order tracking software enables you to track the progress of each purchase order individually and throughout the inbound chain of events. We will notify you in the case of a critical event, enabling pre-emptive action to be taken.
This gives you a significant opportunity to avoid extra inventory costs caused by critical events such as early or late delivery. You may also be interested in purchase order information regarding the financial aspects, such as landed costs at purchase order/SKU/part level.
Four good reasons for choosing the DSV Purchase Order Management software:

1. Constant control – to keep commitments and to manage inventory

2. More perfect orders – for increased revenue

3. Lower costs – for higher margins

4. Easy to learn and use – for fast results
Tracking and support
Individual purchase order tracking, enabling pre-emptive action to be taken
Ensuring constant control, perfect orders and cost management
The potential cost of delays caused by critical events in your supply chains is probably substantially higher than the cost of using the DSV Purchase Order Management system. Complete visibility throughout your supply chains enables you to track your shipments through the milestones in your supply chains, enabling you to pre-empt any critical events, such as early or late delivery, that could mean extra cost, buffer stocks or lost revenue.
Benefit from high-quality solutions
Getting started is quick and simple.
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