Global Transport and Logistics
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Número de solicitud de trabajo: 50889
Tipo de jornada: Full Time


Assist the commercial area as required. Ensure effective and timely management of
communications with customers and with DSV offices or any of its agents.
Maintain coordination of freight shipments until confirmation of arrival,
maintaining updated information in the corresponding system at all times, as well
same keep control of the files, as of the offers accepted for the coordination,
including its costs and income in the Operating System (today CW1), making sure to give
opening to the files within the established standards and under strict discipline of the

DSV - Transporte global y logística

DSV es una de las empresas con mejor desempeño en la industria del transporte y la logística. 75,000 empleados en más de 90 países trabajan apasionadamente para brindar excelentes experiencias al cliente y servicios de alta calidad - como parte de la operativa o en otros roles de soporte. Si tiene impulso y talento y disfruta de la responsabilidad, le brindaremos el apoyo que necesita para explorar su potencial y avanzar en su carrera.

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