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New security measures for cargo shipments to the European Union

As of 1 March, a new pre-arrival security and safety programme in the European Union (EU) has entered its second phase, impacting all air freight shipments going into or transiting the EU, Norway and Switzerland. Here is what you should know about phase 2 of the Import Control System 2 (ICS2).

Cargo inside an airplane
In order to mitigate safety threats and enhance security, the EU is implementing a new customs pre-arrival programme facilitated by a large-scale advance cargo information system – the Import Control System 2 (ICS2).

The ICS2 is being launched in phases, the first of which went live in March 2021 and covered express carriers and postal operators. The second phase, which is impacting air freight shipments, has gone into effect on 1 March this year and has a deployment window until 2 October 2023. The system has been put in place to collect data and manage the advance safety and security risk analysis for all goods. It will be used for all shipments going into or transiting the EU, Norway and Switzerland.

Implications of phase 2

In phase 2 of the ICS2 roll-out, all goods transported via air freight will require pre-loading and pre-arrival data to be sent to ICS2 from the transport contract. This includes advance cargo information about the goods that are being transported in the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). The ENS is something that is already in place for goods arriving in the EU. However, as the roll-out of the ICS2 progresses, there is a requirement to provide more information. The most significant new requirements are a standardised HS code, a detailed description of goods as well as an economic operator registration and identification number.

Non-compliance with this new legislation could have a significant impact on air freight shipments. The EU customs authorities may reject incomplete ENS declarations or issue risk mitigating referrals in the pre-arrival phase. This may lead to unnecessary delays in processing of the ENS upon the arrival of the consignments and in the entry process. Customs may also decide to impose administrative sanctions and financial penalties for non-compliance with data requirements.

At DSV, we have put in place a number of measures to accommodate the new regulations. Furthermore, we are working closely with our air carrier partners and customers to ensure that all necessary information is submitted in the ICS2.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please reach out to your local DSV office.

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