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Panalpina Annual Report 2015

As well as providing an overview of our achievements over the past year in developing tailor-made, value-added services for our customers, the Annual Report 2015 features highlights from our products, regions, industry verticals and corporate functions. New sections include our business model, case studies on the Charter Network and Perishables, and our approach to innovation.​

Panalpina’s Annual Report for 2015 is now available. The full report can be downloaded as a PDF or read online. A summary version, in English and German, is additionally available as a PDF or in print.

As well as providing an overview of our achievements over the past year in developing tailor-made, value-added services for our customers, the Annual Report 2015 features highlights from our products, regions, industry verticals and corporate functions. New sections include our business model, case studies on the Charter Network and Perishables, and our approach to innovation.

The online version can be accessed via below resource link.

To order a printed summary version or to download the different PDF versions, please click here