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Mangoes & Co go direct

In an interview with Air Cargo Week, Panalpina’s Conrad Archer and Colin Wells elaborated on the perishables peak season ahead, rising demand in Asia Pacific and China in particular, the renaissance of fruit and vegetables in Kenya and elsewhere, and Panalpina’s investments. They also addressed the trend of direct shipments and e-commerce, as well as Qatar’s appetite for Kenyan mangoes.

Following the launch of its global Perishables Network and the acquisitions of Airflo and forwarder Air Connection in Kenya, Panalpina is well positioned to grow perishables air freight volumes from Africa. In an interview with Air Cargo Week, Panalpina’s Conrad Archer and Colin Wells elaborated on the peak season ahead, rising demand in Asia Pacific and China in particular, the renaissance of fruit and vegetables in Kenya and elsewhere, and Panalpina’s investments. They also addressed the trend of direct shipments and e-commerce, as well as Qatar’s appetite for Kenyan mangoes. You can read the full article here.